Sunday, August 30, 2009

The most GORGEOUS man in the whole world!!!

My amazing hubby! This is my favorite pic of him. Alot of people give me crap about his long hair but i love it! :)

Saturday, August 29, 2009

My 3 favorite people!!!

This pic was takin at the zoo. We were just leaving and I decided to take this pic. I'm glad I did because this is my most favorite pic I've ever taken of my hubby and kids. :)

Ivy is my soon to be 3 year old. She is just like me. Stubborn and whiney. :) But I love her to pieces. She's my baby and I will admit that I do baby her alot. Its hard not too. :) Ivy is my princess girl. She doesn't like dolls very much but she loves princesses (sleeping beauty is her favorite) and barbies and stuff like that. She loves to play outside. Her favorite thing to do right now is to collect potato bugs. Who would've thought?! Yuck!

Amyrlin is my 4 year old. She is my down to earth, all around good kid. She keeps me grounded. Amyrlin has pretty much taught herself to do most things. She is fascinated by everything around her and how things work. She asks me questions all day long. Without her I think that I would probably go insane. She is such an amazing little girl and I am so glad I have her. :)

She can be a princess one day playing with barbies and puppies and then she'll play with dinosaurs the next day. I love her to pieces!