"Awww, we're all one big happy family." -Amyrlin McDonald :)
Tuesday, April 13, 2010
I love my two little girls so much!! They play so well with each other. i saw this saying and thought it was perfect for my girls. They love each other but get on each others nerves. LOL! Sisterly love. :)
I am a stay-at-home mom and I love it!! I have two beautiful daughters that I absoultely adore! My oldest just turned 4. Her name is Amyrlin. Yes, its a very unique name but anyone who knows her knows that it fits her perfectly. :)My husband is the one who picked her name. My youngest daughter will be turning 3 next month. Her name is Ivy. She got her name from my mom. My husband and I gave my mom a list of names and Ivy is the one that she chose. :) I am married to the most gorgeous and amazing man in the entire world!! Jesse is my heart and soul. I know this is the cheesiest line ever but he "completes me". lol
Your girls are the cutest! They won't be able to keep the boys away when they're older! You have such a cute family Sara! :) We miss seeing you guys!